01 Message
02 Action Policy
03 DX Value Co-creation
04 Talent・Team
05 Community
06 Corporate Governance
07 Environment
08 Factsheet
Contributing to Society and Local Communities
Sun* aims to contribute to resolving issues in the areas it operates globally by utilizing Sun*'s strengths in digital technology, creativity and education.
Initiatives for Open Source and Technology Communities
Since our establishment, we have been actively recruiting every year, and have hired many employees with experience or potential in value creation by utilizing digital technology and creativity. The group continues to commit to securing talent capable of engaging in Digital Transformation and value creation in all industries, as well as continuously expanding job opportunities.
Supporting Clients in their Efforts to Resolve Social Issues
Providing Free High-Quality Education
Sun* Group believes that providing high-quality education globally is crucial for realizing a sustainable and better world as envisaged in the UN's SDGs. In addition to basic education, it is important to create an environment in which advanced learning and other life-long learning opportunities are made available after people start working.
If high-quality education can be made available for free, everybody, both rich and poor, will benefit from receiving it. Being educated and acquiring advanced skills will open the door to people wanting to utilize their skills as high-caliber talent in developed countries such as Japan. We believe that as the number of high-caliber talent recruited from developing countries who received free education increases, so will the opportunity for people to access free education, leading to more people having the opportunity to receive education.
Based on this belief, Sun* continues to provide free high-quality educational courses. We dispatch volunteer lecturers to provide IT and Japanese courses in collaboration with universities in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Other Volunteer Activities
We visit schools in rural areas of Vietnam and, every year, provide donations for the benefit of children. In recent years, Vietnam has become richer due to economic development in urban areas, but there are still many poor rural areas. Many children attending schools in such areas are from families living in poverty. This is why we continue to donate household goods and stationery to children.
As can be seen in the photos, there are many children and adults wearing traditional clothing. Vietnam's rural area (especially in mountainous areas) is home to ethnic minorities, and many people living in mountainous areas are not receiving the benefits of the country's economic development.

Trend of Our Performance Indicators on Contribution to Local Society and Community
FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | |
Numbers of Students in xseeds Program(1) | 1,413 | 1,869 | 2,248 | 2,695 | 2,849 |
Numbers of Graduates from xseeds Program(2) | 425 | 503 | 709 | 951 | 1,332 |
Numbers of Participators and Users of Viblo(3) | 43,932 | 58,279 | 75,765 | 104,734 | 131,238 |
Numbers of Viblo contents(3) | 21,165 | 28,020 | 33,007 | 35,863 | 37,733 |
- (1)Number of people enrolled on courses at end of relevant FY
- (2)Number of people graduated within the relevant FY
- (3)Cumulative total from start of service