01 Message
02 Initiatives
03 DX・Value Co-Creation
04 Talent・Team
05 Community
06 Corporate Governance
07 Environment
08 Factsheet
Promotion Structure and Awareness-raising Activities
Promotion Structure
The internal structure for promoting sustainability includes the formulation of sustainability-related activity policies within the headquarter functional organization of Sun Asterisk, Inc. under the jurisdiction of the Chief Sustainability Officer appointed by the Board of Directors, the dissemination of activity policies, etc. to the entire Sun* Group, monitoring of the promotion status of activities, and external communication through the dissemination of information in various reports, etc.The department provides feedback on such issues also to top management and relevant headquarter departments (such as Corporate Planning, HR, Administration, Legal, Accounting & Finance, Public Relations, IR). We will establish Sun*'s response initiatives to address the identified issues, which will be incorporated into management policies as necessary. The Chief Sustainability Officer and relevant headquarter departments will promote activities by disseminating the incorporated initiatives and activities to domestic and overseas business units and group companies.
In line with our regulations, the Chief Sustainability Officer provides a status report on Sun*'s Sustainability activities to the Board of Directors for their annual review. In addition, for issues of high importance, the officer and department in charge of the issue will report periodically to the Board of Directors for their review.

Awareness Campaign
We conduct various awareness-raising activities at Sun*, in view of the importance of raising the awareness of each and every employee in our efforts to promote sustainability.
For example, Sun* Inc. and some of our group companies hold company-wide online training courses to increase general knowledge on sustainability, showcase Sun*'s sustainability promotion activities and raise basic overall awareness on sustainability.
In addition, at internal events for domestic group companies such as "All Hands Meeting," "CI & Sustainability Session," and "Intre ("intrepreneur")," sustainability-related information is showcased and workshops are held where employees can discuss their ideas in groups. The themes for discussion vary from the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to unconscious bias, cleantech, disaster support, global understanding, work-life balance, diversity and social innovation.